Requirements 入学条件

Age Level: Toddler pupil – 3 years old and Nursery pupil – 4 years old by June 1.
年龄:托儿班-三岁以上,培幼班-四岁以上 出生日期在六月一日以前。

  1. The following must be handed in together with the application form:
    • For Preschool Students: 幼儿园学生
      • Present the Original copy of Birth Certificate 出示出生证明书正本
      • Photocopy of Birth Certificate 出生证明书副本
      • If alien, copy of ACR, ICR, passport or any legal documents to support permission to study  若是外籍学生,需持有ACR,ICR,护照或入学允许证件
      • Certificate of Immunization 預防针注射证明书
      • Two recent colored ID pictures 1X1 (with name written at the back) 两張1×1彩色近照 (照片后面写上姓名)
    • For Transferees: 转学生
      • Numbers 1-5 上述第1至5 条事項
      • Chinese and English Report Cards 原就读学校的中英文成绩單
      • Letter of Recommendation 推荐书
  2. All applicants must undergo an interview with the supervisor of admissions, without their parents being present.
  3. An entrance examination will be given to all applicants.
  4. The school reserves the right not to accept applicants on basis of past academic record and/or conduct.
  5. Pupils seeking admission during the school year must have the approval of the DepEd for such transfer before being admitted.
  6. No returning pupil will be readmitted by the school unless he was given an honorable discharge or was granted an official leave of absence

 Reminders 提醒

  1. Please prepare and present the complete requirements. 敬请准备及递交完整的入学证件。
  2. Kindly properly fill-out the Student Information Sheet  (also available in the website: 请明确填写学生资料表格 (也可在学校网站下载) 。
  3. Pay the student processing fee upon submission of required documents. 递交完整证件时并缴交费用。
  4. Inquire and arrange for Test/Interview schedule as soon as all requirements have been submitted.  递交完整证件后请立即咨询与洽谈考试与面试的日期。
  5. Please come promptly on the days of interview or testing. 请在面试或考试当日按时来校。